Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 07:56:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: "cool dela peña"
Subject: RE: Reinventing Kevin
To: "Edwin Bolo"
On October 27,2005 Thursday George Palaganas wrote:
Dear Edwin,
Cheers! It's the last salvo of the year to go on an escapade outside,so go for it, have fun and enjoy! It gives me rushes of memories of my experience in Canada fall of 1996. It was my birthday(October 19) and I went downtown after cooking pansit palabok, Cindy's style. Then, I checked out a pack of six cans Labatt Genuine Draft from a liquor shop in Davies,and I started heading towards a spot similar to this(Click ) at the Stanley Park from the corner of Denman and Davies. I just sat there, on one of the washed-on-shore decaying planks(timber) and enjoyed the solitude and silence while sipping the draft until I finished all six. There were these three asian girls, well-dressed, who was near me ,and noone else, they are chinese I believe, but speaks local north american twang. They stayed with me and left after the third can. It's like a Dbeers commercial, I tell you. Then, I went for a Robsontrasse... that is , after dropping my toonie on a black woman at Denman giving the most soulful voice I have ever heard in my entire life, rendering "They Can Never Take It Away From You" . Am I hearing Denise Williams in person, I silently told mysel. Robson is oozing with "ripe" and "respectable" talents, being with them is like you have died and went to heaven. And it is the place where everyone is like directly coming out from a Vouge magazine!
Okay, more of this next mail.
P.S. Give me your Winnipeg Address and Phone Number so I can write you regular post office mails and maybe call you up on Christmas. And Tita Vhing, Rhoda and Cesar too. Regards to everyone again.
Edwin Bolo
thanks for taking it off!well this time of the year, there's no snow yet, and i am not waiting for it. lol. it's autumn but u can feel the early morning chill now.grrrrh. normally we get 1- ~ 13 degress with the lowest of -1. So, it is still very much bearable.And no, i dont skates. i wish....i tried it in Tokyo but not here..i dunno why.thanks again. Dodspeed!
Best Regards,
Edwin ;o)
*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ô¿ô>>>>>>>>>>>>>>* "I hate quotations." - Ralph Waldo Emerson *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ô¿ô>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*
From: cool dela "peña"
To: Edwin Bolo
Subject: RE: Tear Those Billboards Down Please?
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 06:48:22 -0700 (PDT)
Wednesday October 26, 2005 8:30 PM
Hi Edwin How are you doing once again? Pretty much surprised,huh? But anyway I have already detached the link so you will not see it(pic and e-mail) next time you get into the URL. How's Rhoda and Cesar doing? and Tita Vhing too.... it's really quite good to recall our m/set days. Reminiscing is the word we have for it now. How is the weather in Winnipeg today? Brr... it must be chilly..... I can't wait to get into my skates..... ngek! Because that is what we do there .....isn't it?What with all the snow in this time of the year. Can we get into some chat sometime?
Okay, till then and regards to everyone.
George Palaganas
"Old saying, Old Plenty.... Eat!"
- Dean Devlin
Edwin Bolo
Hey George, thanks for asking. Im doing ok -- im at the ofc rite now. I just poked around ur attached link, and bit surprised to see my pic on and my email too. Darn, please take it off. I hate seeing mine on it--baka ma over exposed ako eh.
Take it off, pls, por pabor!
Best Regards,
Edwin ;o)
*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ô¿ô>>>>>>>>>>>>>>* "I hate quotations."- Ralph Waldo Emerson *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ô¿ô>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*
From: cool dela "peña"
Subject: HI Waz up?
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 06:33:27 -0700 (PDT)
Tuesday October 25, 2005
Hi Edwin BOLO . I just want to say hi . To refresh your thought, our last communications is at
And some are at =
okay see ya.
GEORGE Palaganas